
a family that would be a great fit for the hope+door program meets all of the following criteria

hands holding a home

other commonly asked questions

The hope+door grant is a one-time grant that exists to help families who are facing eviction due to an isolated, no-fault financial emergency. Grants are issued directly to a family’s landlord to cover a family’s missed rent.

The hope+door grant is designed to cover up to two months of rent for a family who is navigating a financial crisis.


Follow this link, create a username and password, and begin by taking the pre-qualification quiz. If your current situation is a good fit for the hope+door grant you will be directed to an application page where you can provide more details on your current lease agreement, late or missed rent, and describe your financial emergency in more detail.

The more detail you provide in your application about your present situation and lease details, the more quickly we can render a decision, so please provide as much information as you can.

We encourage all applicants to let their landlord know that they have applied for the hope+door grant. As a part of our review process we contact your landlord directly to verify all lease details and history.

We will contact you once we have reviewed your application, connected with your landlord, and made a decision. We know that eviction is a time sensitive issue, and it is our goal to get relief to families who qualify as quickly as possible.

We typically make a decision and remit payment to your landlord within two weeks.

The more thorough your application is, the easier it is for our review committee to make a decision quickly. Please provide as much information about your present situation and lease agreement as you can.