helping families avoid homelessness

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need emergency rent relief?
take a quick quiz to see if your family qualifies for the hope+door grant.

support hope+door

your support helps families avoid homelessness.

the problem

0 k

homeless in the

US every night



are families

with children

the family homelessness crisis is real

While every family’s circumstances are unique, the complications that result from family homelessness are all too similar: children pulled out of the school and community they are comfortable in, parents forced to relocate and lose touch with their professional network, reliable childcare becomes difficult to find. The stability that a family needs so they can find stable housing becomes harder and harder to come by.

The economic, social, and emotional consequences for families are far-reaching.

This is the problem that hope+door wants to solve.


financial emergency is often all it takes
for a family to be at risk of homelessness

For a family that rents, the risk of homelessness is often due to no fault of their own: an accident, a medical emergency, crime, a pandemic related job loss, the list goes on.

Even the most responsible families experience unforeseen financial emergencies. when these emergencies happen and a family gets behind on rent, hope+door steps in to fill the gap. We’ve witnessed the devastating spiral of events that brings a family from an unexpected expense to losing their roof, and we believe it shouldn’t play out this way.

the vision


helps families avoid


Lets solve the crisis before it starts. We help families get back on their feet in a way that is sustainable for the long-term. We issue rent payments directly to a family’s landlord to get them back to current on their rent. In return, the landlord agrees not to pursue eviction.

emergency rent relief

allows families with

children to remain

in their homes

Emergency rent relief means no relocating and no changing schools. Just a family in their home together, where they belong.

a stable environment

helps families get back

on their feet, stopping

family homelessness

before it starts

We want to transform the future for families who are facing eviction. When you partner with hope+door you can help families avoid homelessness.